- Cured! 65 patients and relatives share their stories
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- 1000 FRISKA
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- Anorexia nervosa: rediscovery of a disorder
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in anorexia
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in anorexia
- A new treatment for anorexia nervosa
- Anorexia nervosa, self-starvation and the reward of stress
- An Innovative treatment programme for Anorexia nervosa
- Mandometer Treatment of Eating Disorders; A Reply
- Antidepressant´s use in Anorexic girls
- Anorexia nervosa: towards a neurobiologically based therapy
- “Nygammal bot mot anorexi”
- Is psychopharmacological treatment of patients with eating disorders necessary?
- What is the evidence basis for existing treatments of eating disorders?
- Eating Disorders
- Meal size, satiety and cholecystokinin in gastrectomized humans
- Randomized controlled trial of a treatment for anorexia and bulimia nervosa
- “Anorexibehandling på Karolinska lockar australier”
- “Reportage anorexi”
- “Computerweegschaal helpt bij”
- “Nieuwe behandeling anorexia”
- “Skola och vård mer medvetna om ätstörningar”
- “Q & A: Cecilia Bergh”
- “Investorbolag rätt medicin för bulimiker”
- “Cure for eating disorders”
- “Unik metod lockar folk ”down under””
- “De förlorade åren”
- “Anorexia and bulimia Nervosa”
- “Ny metod hjälper mot ätstörningar”
- “A radical new approach to anorexia”
- “New anorexia treatments”
- “Hopp för patienter med ätstörningar”
- “Anorexibehandling botar tre av fyra”
- “Heilsame Wärme”
- Treatment of childhood obesity by retraining eating behaviour: a randomised trial
- You are how you eat. Decelerated eating may prevent obesity and eating disorders
- Decelerated and linear eaters: Effect of eating rate on food intake and satiety
- A method for the control of eating rate: a potential intervention in eating disorders
- Linear eaters turned decelerated: Reduction of a risk for disordered eating?
- Behavioral Neuroendocrinology and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
- Successful outcome of family therapy for anorexia nervosa?
- Prevalence and recovery from anorexia nervosa
- A Framework for the Treatment of Obesity: Early Support
- Mandometer treatment of Australian patients with eating disorders
- Serotonin transporter binding ineating disorders
- Gender Differences in Response to Food Deprivation: Implications for Eating Disorders
- Cause and treatment of anorexia nervosa
- How Effective Is Family Therapy for the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa?
- Psychoneuroendocrinology of anorexia nervosa
- Understanding eating disorders
- Comorbidity of anxiety with eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders
- A novel treatment for childhood obesity using Mandometer® technology
- “Anorexi en kroppslig sjukdom – men med psykiska symptom”
- “Hjälp till självhjälp”
- “Våga satsa på nya behandlingar”
- “Entreprenören som vill lösa världens viktproblem”
- “Öppet för ätstörda”
- “Kryckor för bättre ätande”
- “Wenche räddad från sin bulimi. Berättade om sin sjukdom under invigningen av Mandos klinik”
- “Mandometer håller koll på maten”
- “Vi skulle behöva mycket mer hjälp av politikerna”
- “Manger moins vite pour moins grossir”
- “Swedish program can be effective in treating obesity, says British Journal”
- “Food machine takes aim at child obesity”
- “You’re eating too much! Diet computer that tells you harsh truth at mealtimes”
- “Ätdator hjälper barn mot extrahull”
- “Mini-weighing scales which alert children if they are eating too fast ‘could help fight obesity”
- “Obesity can be fought with the Mandometer, a new talking scale”
- “Plate that tells you to ‘slow down’ may aid weight loss”
- “Device to retrain youngsters eating habits in obesity fight”
- “Anoreksi handler om sult”
- “Hallå Där! Cecilia Bergh”
- “Företagsdrömmar i kvinnornas vård”
- “Stockholmsföretag tar över ätstörningsvården”
- “Forskaren som vill lösa världens viktproblem”
- “Du är hur du äter”
- “Dator hjälper överviktiga att äta normalt”
- “Normalizing nutrition eases eating disorders”
- “Njut – och gå ner i vikt”
- “Du er hvordan du spiser”
- “Families plead for anorexia help”
- “Njutmetoden gjorde mig 47 kilo lättare!”
- “Ät som vanligt och gå ner i vikt”
- “Jannice, 29: Jag har fått ett liv”
- “For Amanda, the worst seems to be over”
- “Ätstörningsklinik ger hopp även till överviktiga”
- “- Spis hva du vil og gå ned i vekt!”
- “Rosie Klang 53 har gått ner 54 Kilo”
- “Gadget helps obese teen lose weight”
- “Talking PC that helps you fight obesity”
- “Computer says “No” tells boy how to slim”
- “Computer says “No” to chips”
- “Computer helped teenager lose 5st”
- “The hidden disorder”
- “Combate anorexia bascula portatil”
- “Anorexia shows up at age 5”
- “Anorexia treatment programs starved of funding”
- “Worth the weight”
- “Meter works at treat”
- “Äthjälp med inbäddad teknik”
- “No time to lose”
- “Treating Eating Disorders”
- Eating disorder clinic raises local experts’ ire
- “Eating disorders for health funds”
- “”Ätträning” vid anorexi, bulimi och liknande sjukdomar”
- Patients´ Satisfaction Survey
- “AB Mando has in a successful way conceptualized and packeted a very complex service and established its activity on three continents”
- ”Cause and Cure for Eating Disorders and Obesity”
- AB Mando was invited to exhibit in Umeå in connection to EU´s Informal Meeting of Competitiveness Ministers
- A news editorial about the Mandometer Method broadcasted on Akutti in Finland
- Editorial in The Economic Report
- “You are how you eat”
- “A Swedish weight managing center opens up in New York.”
- We celebrate our New York Grand Opening with special guests and members of the Stockholm headquarters
- Interview with Cecilia Bergh
- “The Talking machine tells them to eat at the right speed”
- Professor Per Södersten and a patient, in an interview aired on swedish radio
- Our treatment is getting attention in Swedish media. Professor Per Södersten and a patient, in an interview aired on swedish radio, P4 Extra Söndag
- British Medical Journal Reports Innovative Swedish Program For Treating Childhood Obesity
- A new Mandometer® clinic opens today in Alingsås, Sweden
- H.R.H. Prince Daniel’s visit to our New York clinic is featured in the Swedish television program entitled “The year with the Royal Family”
- A news editorial about our obesity treatment was aired on Swedish Tv4 News
- Per Södersten will lecture at the Läkartidningen symposium on Obesity treatments
- “You are not what you eat, but how you eat”
- Per Södersten guest lectures at Scandinavia’s largest health fair
- H.R.H. Prince Daniel, Prince of Sweden, visits Mando Group and Lenox Hill in New York
- Ioannis Ioakeimidis defends his doctoral thesis “Eating, Chewing and the Mind”
- Record breaking attendance at this year’s science seminar at the Gothenburg Book Fair, where Mando participated
- The leading Nordic exhibition for starting and developing new companies
- Mandometer® received the Healthcare Technology Acceleration Award
- Sweden’s social minister Göran Hägglund visited the Mandometer Clinic in Stockholm
- Mando will take part in the science section of the Göteborg Book Fair
- “Femton års kamp mot anorexin. Mandometerkliniken i Alingsås hjälpte Sandra att till slut bli frisk”
- A prize for scientific merit of a project given by the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology has been given to professor Julian Shields for Mandometer Treatment
- Per Södersten was presidential keynote speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
- FDA Clears Mandometer® For the Treatment of Eating Disorders
- Cecilia Bergh is interviewed in the online magazine E24
- “Träna att äta – Ätstörningar har inte mentala orsaker”
- Dopamine and Anorexia Nervosa
- Steinach and Young, Discoverers of the Effects of Estrogen on Male Sexual Behavior and the “Male Brain”
- Control of Body Weight by Eating Behavior in Children
- Reversible biological adaptations in obesity
- Recovering from Anorexia Nervosa by Machine
- Homeostasis in anorexia nervosa
- Effective Treatment of Eating Disorders: Results at Multiple Sites
- Eugen Steinach – the First Neuroendocrinologist
- Children eat their school lunch too quickly: an exploratory study of the effect on food intake
- Food intake and chewing in women
- Normalizing Eating Behavior Reduces Body Weight and Improves Gastrointestinal Hormonal Secretion in Obese Adolescents
- Mandometermetoden hjälper överviktiga styra sitt matintag
- A sex difference in the response to fasting
- Description of chewing and food intake over the course of a meal
- Loss of control of food intake among children during the school lunch
- Eating, Chewing and the Mind
- Obesity and the brain
- How eating affects mood
- Mandometer in the Swedish magazine Filter
- “De stoppar självsvält”
- “Hälsa en ny svensk exportgren”
- How Psychiatry is starving our children to death
- “Pílula antipetite pode combater obesidade”
- “The 100 bite diet: Less about what you eat, more about how you eat it”
- “How many bites do YOU take per day? New device helps you keep track… “
- “How Many Bites Do You Take a Day?”
- “Snart app på recept mot ätstörningar”
- “Mandometerkliniken får fortsatt förtroende”
- “Stefan Löfven på kunskapsresa i Huddinge”
- “Could these ‘smart scales’ cure anorexia? 75% of patients who used device were free of symptoms a year later”
- “Research changes view of anorexia”
- “Hope at last for anorexia patients – Recovery rates up for sufferers”
- “Eating disorders”
- “Treatment program that challenges the view that mental illness are the cause of eating disorders proving a success”
- “Full treatment. Aussie clinic offers new hope on eating disorders.”
- “Good gnaws at last”
- “Getting full treatment”
- “Alternative eating disorder treatment claims strong results”
- “Mandometerkliniken vill samarbeta”
- “Enhetschef på SÄS bemöter kritiken”
- “Evelinas Förlorade år”
- “Jedinstvena klinika na svijetu”
- “Fördela mer medel till Mandometerkliniken”
- “Metod effektiv mot ätstörningar”
- “Många friska från ätstörningar med rätt hjälp”
- “Stigmatisera inte anorektiker”
- “Vi kan ge bästa möjliga vård för ätstörningar”
- “Ätstörda ska få god vård”
- “Satsa mer resurser på Mandokliniken”
- “Anorexi en modern sjukdom?”
- “Allting inom en ropar, ÄT!”
- “Sandra blev frisk från anorexin. Efter att ha varit sjuk i över tio år fick hon hjälp på Mandometerkliniken”
- “Allt fler yngre står i kö”
- “Välfärd på Europaexport”
- “Forskning – till vilken nytta?”
- “Maria, 47, minskade 11 kilo på tre månader”
- “Företagen har svårt att nå ut”
- “Våga väga rätt”
- “Forskning, företagande och framgång”
- “Internationalisering i svenska små och medelstora företag”
- “A healthy weight and wellness program for New Yorkers”
- “Weight loss on a talking plate”
- “Now, a dish that ‘talks’ to fight obesity”
- “‘Please eat more slowly’: NHS introduces £1,500 talking plate which warns fat families about their eating habits”
- “New ‘Talking Scale’ Can Fight Obesity”
- “Talking plate will stop you over-eating”
- “NHS trials a talking plate to help people lose weight”
- “Talking plate being tested to cut obesity”
- “‘Dishing’ out health advice”
- “NHS to trial the Mandometer® to combat obesity”
- “Mat och graviditet – laddat ämne: Banta inte!”
- “Monopolspel med offentlig sektor”
- “Svenskan som ska bota USA från fetma”
- “Leda för innovationer: vilken roll och betydelse har ledarskap för utveckling av vård och omsorg?”
- Shaping A Connected Digital Future
- Annie Lööf, Swedish Minister for Enterprise visited Mando
- School children at risk of losing control over body weight
- Swedish Minister for Enterprise, Annie Lööf will visit Mando Group in Sweden
- 10 year anniversary at Mando!
- Filippa Reinfeldt, Catarina Andersson-Forsman, Torbjörn Rosdahl and Hans-Erik Malmros of Stockholms City Council visited Mando Group NY
- Stockholm County Commissioner of Health Care, Ms Filippa Reinfeldt and colleagues will visit Mando Group NY
- Mandometer researcher participated at 2nd International Conference on Food Oral Processing – Physics, Physiology, and Psychology of Eating
- Radio Sweden broadcasted an interview with Josefine who says she would not have been alive today without the help of the Mandometer Clinic
- “The Baltic Sea Region and Business, a Model for European Macro Regions?”
- “What do we need research for?”
- The swedish magazine “Veckans Affärer” lists Mando Group as one of “Sweden’s 50 new superstars”
- Thesis explores how the characteristics of food affect the way you eat
- Study aims at implementing Mandometer in primary care
- Our work with obese children and their families is generating media attention
- Breakthrough in Treating Anorexia and Bulimia
- Mandometer awarded research grant
- Mando Academy 2013
- The Medical Product Agency of Sweden has registered Mandometer as a medical device
- EU project SPLENDID started
- Mando Group AB is now a member of Karolinska Institutet Science Park
- EU grant aims at preventing people from becoming over- or underweight
- Cecilia Bergh was invited to talk at the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum
- Current ad in NY Daily News
- Happy Holidays!
- Mandometer at MEDICA
- EU-project SPLENDID
- “Eat smart”
- Digital Health Days
- Mando Academy
- AB Mando is awarded a contract with the Västra Götaland’s region in Sweden to treat patients with eating disorders
- “Rethinking eating disorder treatment”
- Stefan Löfven, leader of the Social Democratic Party in Sweden visited our Clinic in Stockholm on March 19
- Diabetes EXPO
- Mandometer attracts media attention
- “New treatment promises hope in the battle with anorexia”
- “Eating disorder research”
- Cecilia Bergh is interviewed by “Bosnisk Post”
- “Recovery From Eating Disorders: Expanded Evidence From a New Treatment”
- Welcome to our new website!
- 1000 patients cured
- Mandometer at MEDICA
- A Danish political delegation visited Mando on September 10th to learn more about the Mandometer Treatment
- Research making a difference!
- Forskning – innovation – produkt
- SPLENDID meeting in Wageningen
- Cecilia Bergh is invited to speak at a seminar focused on the export of Swedish health care organized by Veckans Affärer and Dagens Medicin
- Innovative Swedish Health Care
- New York EXPO
- Workshop
- New website for our NYC Clinic
- EU-project SPLENDID last meeting in Thessaloniki on September 20-21
- “All in the Mind”
- Mandometer at European Obesity Summit 2016
- Cecilia Bergh, CEO of Mando Group AB, is awarded Entrepreneur of the Year for 2015/2016
- Eva Krutmeijer discussed her work on communicating scientific findings to the general public and to the media
- On April 13, Per Södersten visited TEM Electronics in Istanbul, that produces Mandometer scales
- Patient survey 2015
- Cecilia Bergh is nominated for this year’s women in innovation award 2016
- Mandometer shown for EU policy makers
- Swedish Schumpeter Lecture
- Mando is Export Pioneer 2016
- ”Anorexi är en dålig kompis”
- Technology trialled in fight against ticking timebomb of obesity
- Mandometer demonstrated at the obesity summit, EOS 2016, in Gothenburg, 1-4 June
- “Firade 100 friska patienter”
- Nytt avtal för Mandometerkliniken
- L’hôpital Erasme propose une application mobile contre l’anorexie mentale chez les adolescents
- Frisk från anorexi med Mandometermetoden
- Invigning av Mandometerkliniken på Sophiahemmet
- The app teaching anorexics to eat again
- Därför missade Sofia Madeleines boklansering
- Annorlunda metod mot ätstörningar vann upphandling
- Prinsessan inviger nya ätstörningskliniken på Östermalm
- Vill ha heldygnsvård för patienter med ätstörning
- Missvisande resultat om vården av ätstörningar – Debatt
- Evelina besegrade den svåra anorexin
- El método Mandometer: La otra opción para tratar trastornos alimentarios
- Mandos treatment method for eating disorders procured by Stockholm County Council
- Boråsson får kungamedalj
- A Simple Eating Disorder Treatment No One Ever Talks About
- CBT for Eating Disorders: A Not-Yet-Success Story
- The thin edge of the wedge
- Ex-patient of clinic heralds it as lifesaver
- ‘I didn’t know how sick I was, I didn’t think anything was wrong’
- Pushed to the limit
- “Ätstörningar tar inte semester”
- “Fler remisser till Mando”
- “Miljonsatsning på ätstörningsvård i Alingsås”
- “Behandlar ätstörning på ett ovanligt sätt”
- “Folk i vården, utmärkelser”
- “Αλλάξτε τον τρόπο που τρώτε για να μην παχαίνετε!”
- “Hon har revolutionerat ätstörningsvården – med en våg”
- “Cecilia Bergh Årets Entreprenör 2015!”
- Årets Entreprenör: Cecilia Bergh
- Treating Eating: A Dynamical Systems Model of Eating Disorders
- Verifying Feighner’s Hypothesis; Anorexia Nervosa Is Not a Psychiatric Disorder
- Control of Eating Behavior Using a Novel Feedback System
- “Mando gave us our lives back”
- Cecilia Bergh and Per Södersten awarded Royal Patriotic Society medal
- Tensions rise over options for anorexia
- Cecilia Bergh: “We’ll succeed – it just needs hard work”
- “Αλλάξτε τον τρόπο που τρώτε”
- “Learning to eat right with weighing scales under your dinner plate”
- A starving brain or psychology – what triggers an eating disorder?
- “Anorexia is not in the mind”
- “Virtuell doktor hjälper överviktiga”
- “Anorexia, bulimia “cure” claim”
- Mandometer to Innovation Radar Final in Budapest
- Mandometer short-listed for the Innovation Radar Prize 2017
- A Swedish treatment is helping Aussies overcome eating disorders
- ABC Perth mornings, part2
- Can eating disorders really be cured?
- Open Day Melbourne
- Eating Disorder Forum 2017
- Björn Druse discussed “How can life science be the next Swedish export success?” at Stockholms Chamber of Commerce
- World Eating Disorders Action Day
- Cold Vein by Anne Tonner
- Mando Group displayed the consumer version of its’ obesity treatment at CeBIT in Hannover in late March
- Mando Group exhibits digital obesity treatment at CeBIT trade show in Hannover, March 19-24
- Emily Troscianko, PhD., University of Oxford, is blogging for Psychology Today
- Anna Anvreet and Seif Aljumaily train clinics in Dublin to use Mandometer
- Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Minister for Higher Education and Research, rewards the founders of Mando
- The Swedish Royal Patriotic Society has awarded Cecilia Bergh and Per Södersten a medal honoring their commitment and dedication
- Hello all at Mando in Sweden
- On June 4, Princess Sofia attended the inauguration of our two new clinics at Sophiahemmet.
- “Recovery from anorexia”; symposium in the presence of HRH Princess Sofia
- Svt visits our new clinic at Sophiahemmet
- Treatments outcomes for eating disorders in Sweden: data from the national quality registry
- Our third Clinic in Stockholm
- Pictures from the inauguration of the Mandometer Clinic Hötorget
- Inauguration of the Mandometer Clinic Hötorget
- Virtual Reality App for Treating Eating Behavior in Eating Disorders: Development and Usability Study
- Ole Petter Ottersen, the President of Karolinska Institutet visited the Mandometer Clinic Novum
- Pictures from the new eating disorder clinic
- Alice Gustavsson gives design advice
- The Mandometer Clinic Hötorget
- “Medierna måste säkerställa att Region Stockholm och dess verksamhet granskas.”
- ”Poddar måste ha ansvarig utgivare”
- Comparison between Mandometer Treatment and Treatment As Usual
- A Computer-Based Platform for Aiding Clinicians in Eating Disorder Analysis and Diagnosis
- Happy Holidays
- Hälso- och sjukvårdsregionråd Anna Starbrink visited Mandometerkliniken at Sophiahemmet
- Red-Green experiment affecting the most vulnerable patients
- Pictures from ”2000 friska!”, symposium in the presence of HRH Princess Sofia
- 2 000 in remission! Symposium in the presence of HRH Princess Sofia
- International Convention of Psychological Science
Mando News
- Mando Group welcomes Senator Rachel Siewert and Collegues
- After Hours With Professor Sodersten
- ABC Perth mornings, part1
- ‘My 16-year-old daughter had anorexia. This is what happened when she hit rock bottom.’
- A mother’s fight to save her daughter from the grip of anorexia
- We wish you a Happy Easter
- American Diabetes Association EXPO
News releases
Newspaper articles
Other publications
- Objective and Subjective Meal Registration via a Smartphone Application
- User involvement of patients with eating disorder – the design process from user needs to prototype
- An Embodied question answering system for use in the treatment of eating disorders
- Eating rate in the treatment of eating disorders and obesity
- Response to Response: Effective treatment of eating disorders
Other scientific publications
- New Finding, Clinical Trial, Controversial
- Mandometer treatment of Australian patients with eating disorders
- A parent´s Letter to the Editor
Popular scientific articles
Scientific articles
Symposium 2000 friska
Tv and Radio features
- Cold Vein: Anorexia, the monster within
- Takeaway: the obesity time bomb
- Machine Eating: Normalization of body weight by teaching under- and overweight patients to eat normally using computer support
- “The groundbreaking program to tackle eating disorders is having extraordinary results.”
- “New Fat Fighter”
- Cecilia Bergh and patient interviewed in Australian TV
- TV- feature about Mandometer Treatment in San Diego, USA
- A documentary on the Mandometer Method broadcasted on Australian TV
Week in Review
- Australia’s psychologists to use Mandometer
- Mandometer after hours in Australia
- Mandometer effectively treats obesity
- Neuroscience confirms Mandometer theory
- CBT for eating disorders does not really work
- Recovery from anorexia without brain stimulation
- Binge eating and the brain
- Sveriges Radio reports the “discovery” of similarities among anorexia and obesity