Practising to eat with Mandometer®
helps you identify and reestablish
signals for hunger and satiety
The Mandometer consists of scale that communicates wirelessly with your smart phone via Bluetooth.
Practising to eat with Mandometer®
helps you identify and reestablish
signals for hunger and satiety
Practising to eat with Mandometer®
helps you identify and reestablish
signals for hunger and satiety

A device that teaches you how to eat
Our research department has developed a small device that helps you normalise your eating behaviour and feeling of satiety (how full you are).
The Mandometer registers decreases in weight as you take food from your plate, and generates a graphical representation of eating speed that is matched against a reference curve for normal eating speed.
Periodically, you are asked to rate how full you feel. With the help of a second reference curve that appears on the screen, you learn to know how full you should be feeling over the course of a meal.
The Mandometer is used every day for all main meals until eating behaviour is normalised. It usually takes 3-4 months.